How to Stop Overthinking eGuide

Habit Change Procrastination Overthinking


3 Surprising Steps to Stop Overthinking

Coach Julie Gray has created a mini eGuide that walks you through three logical steps to minimize overthinking. This logic creates new awareness which leads to a natural shift in our thinking, feelings, and behaviors.

Inside this guide you will discover:

  • How to stop fighting your own thinking - spending so much time and energy trying to make it different
  • A way to naturally shift your mind away from rumination, obsessive thinking, resistance
  • How much clarity lives beyond your thinking - and the simple way to listen
“Working with you has changed my life. I see myself in a whole different light. I see myself as a successful, productive person. I do not beat myself up like I used to do. I do not use the word procrastination anymore. I stopped beating myself up! I literally never thought I could achieve what I have done. I achieved goals I had always had for myself and it feels so very good. - Sally M. Virginia.

3 Surprising Steps to Stop Overthinking by Julie Gray

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